Once all DealAxis .Net Permissions have been installed and checked, the final step is to verify that the Pot book grid can successfully connect from the local PC to the DealAxis web server. For users of hosted systems this will involve web service requests that are routed via proxy servers.
This page will simulate the behaviour of the Pot book grid, by creating a .Net grid control and embedding it in your browser. The grid control will then make a web service request to the web server to populate the grid with some sample data. For users of hosted systems this request will be routed over the internet via the proxy server.
At some banks, users have to enter a separate user name and password to access the internet as below. These proxy server
credentials must also be supplied by the Pot book grid for it to be able to access the internet.
At other banks the proxy server is automatically supplied with the user's Windows credentials and do not need to be
explicitly specified.
To run a simulation of the DealAxis Pot book grid, click the below link, which will first invoke a loader page
where proxy server credentials can be entered if applicable. The grid will then make a request to a test web service
Dealogic site which will return some sample data and display it in the grid.
Test the Pot Book Grid
If the web service request succeeds you should see output as follows, with all text displayed in green. The grid will
then be rendered, embedded in the web page. If there are any potential problems the output will report errors in red.
This test page is useful to diagnose connectivity problems such as detecting the URL of the proxy server through which the
user is being routed.
Once the test grid has been successfully loaded in your browser the DealAxis Pot book grid will also function correctly.
If a separate proxy server user name and password needed to be specified for the grid to work, this will also need to be
entered in DealAxis under System Configuration / General.
For a description of how the Pot book grid operates, see the Pot Book Overview page. For details on how .Net assemblies are downloaded to the local PC see the Assembly Downloads page.
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